Hello there.


My original ambition was to publish this book a few years ago. But then, lots of unexpected things took place. I got divorced, the global pandemic happened, and my son got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of three. When it came to the book itself, I underestimated the time and effort it would take me to get to the finish line. 

While completing the first draft felt like a feat in itself, it was only the beginning. The hardest part by far was having to rework the manuscript until the words and ideas presented were a true reflection of my thoughts. The process was not linear, and embracing this aspect helped tremendously. I learned to be open to different ways of doing things. This sometimes meant stepping away for periods of time. Problem is, it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see an end in sight. 

Sometime in 2022, I realized that this book would never see the light of day if I wasn’t purposeful with the energy I was dedicating to it on a regular basis. I needed to refocus towards the goal of publishing it, as I had originally intended to do when I first started writing. 

I once heard something that deeply resonated with me and ultimately got me to this point (was it Seth Godin?).  Anyone can create art, but it doesn’t become art until you put it out into the world. The act of allowing others to experience it requires vulnerability, and that is the true definition of art. 

So, friends, here we are. The whole reason I began writing Matleisure, was in the hopes that the insights I gathered from my own maternity leave might be useful to someone other than myself. I hope you enjoy.